Monday, March 14, 2011

Public health sets rabies summit for Wednesday in Cartersville




What:  Northwest Georgia Rabies Summit

When:  March 16, 2011, from 9 AM until 12:30 PM

Where:  Clarence Brown Conference Center (Carter Hall)

                5450 Highway 20, NE, Cartersville, GA


Who:  Veterinarians, hospital infection-control staff, emergency room staff, county animal-                              

              control officers, area 911 coordinators, USDA Wildlife Services staff, Georgia DNR staff,

              public-safety staff, county extension service staff, state public health epidemiology staff

              and local public health staff from Bartow, Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade, Floyd, Gordon,

             Haralson, Paulding, Polk and Walker counties.


Why:  To clarity and refine local procedures for reporting, investigating and intervening in             

              animal-bite cases. Rabies is a deadly viral infection that is mainly spread by infected



How: By providing an overview of rabies concerns for northwest Georgia and through group

            discussions and planning to identify and improve future responses to animal-bite cases. 

            Participants will separate into local work group to discuss each county's specific animal-

            bite reporting-and-investigation procedures and develop a county-specific animal-bite 

            investigation and rabies-prevention plan.


More about rabies:

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