Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Century Bank's Harris graduates from Georgia Banking School

Media release: Rachel Harris with Century Bank of Georgia has graduated from the Georgia Banking School. The graduation ceremony took place May 4 at the Center for Continuing Education on the campus of the University of Georgia.

Established in 1961, the Georgia Banking School is a three-year specialized school sponsored by the Georgia Bankers Association Professional Development Program. The purpose of the school is to prepare first-level managers to effectively and profitably serve the public by developing a thorough understanding of banking practices, regulations and management principles.

The school includes three intense one-week residence sessions at the University of Georgia and requires the students to complete home study problems between sessions. The school provides a well-balanced curriculum featuring UGA faculty members, veteran bankers and other well-qualified industry experts and specialists.

Dr. James Verbrugge, Professor of Finance and Chair of Banking Emeritus in the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia, serves as academic director for the school.

"Rachel's completion of Georgia Banking School is just another example of the initiative our employees have to continue their education in the banking industry to better serve our customers and communities", said David Caswell, COO of Century Bank of Georgia.

Established in 1892, the Georgia Bankers Association is the trade and professional organization representing Georgia's commercial banks and thrift institutions.

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