Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kingston's Dr. John Barge officially enters governor's race today. John McClellan predicts a Hurricanes' blowout over Cass. Stormy start to the day; 60% rain chance. Latest gas prices. Later today; Bartow County Jail reports

For more on these updates and for today's latest news, weather and sports headlines, please see www.bartowheadlines.com:
 -Look for Publix, shops at Charles Hight Square to stagger openings starting in October.
-Q & A on what you need to know about Jase Robertson's
Youth for Christ's 40th anniversary celebration Sept. 14.
-Rome Braves finish second in division race, end season with fewest seats sold in 11 years. Big start due in 2014.
-What's buzzing: John Barge enters gubernatorial race today.Floyd GOP Women meet. Young Professionals, too.
-Latest gas prices report: Including lowest prices in four area counties as of this morning.
Ware Mechanical forecast: Click
-60% rain chance, high near 90. Three-day forecast below.
High School football.
-John McClellan's picks for coming week:  
Big game for Pepperell and Cedartown.
-Make PHS v. CHS the Fox 5 game of the week.
-High School Football Daily.
Rome Braves
-The Rome Braves wrap up the 2013 season with a 1-0 loss to Charleston. 
Your Ware Ware Mechanical forecast:

-Tuesday: 60% rain chance, high of 89, low of 65.

-Wednesday: Sunny, high of 89, low of 63.

-Thursday: Sunny,.high of 88, low of 62.


Hometown Headlines Radio Edition

7-9 a.m. weekdays. Listen live online

-Please join our guests Tuesday including:

-Eric Gillis from Rome's Youth for Christ on the Jase Robertson visit on Sept. 14 at State Mutual Stadium.

-Doug McClure from Salvation Army on the upcoming Community Organizations Assisting in Disasters training classes.

-U.S. Rep. Phil Gingrey on 'Obamacare' concerns and the latest on Syria.


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