Monday, October 14, 2013

Update on top local projects. Loudermilk in D.C. to remove barricades; candidates' forum tonight. Cartersville holds no. 2 spot in football poll. Gas prices hold around $3.10. Upper 70s today, upper 60s Thursday. Later today: Jail reports

For more on these updates and today's latest news, weather, business and sports headlines, please see
As Publix opens, what's next for Northwest Georgia?
-With another 'retail bucket list' item crossed off, what else is brewing in our communities?

Loudermilk in D.C. to remove barriers at memorials; candidates forum tonight; Bartow Democrats meet Oct. 21.


Gas prices stall at $3.10 a gallon locally, up to $3.24 in Georgia

Former Northwest Georgia ER physicians win third leg of CBS reality show "Amazing Race."


Ware Mechanical forecast: Click 

-Sunny today; rain back Tuesday night; upper 60s by Thursday.


Today's jail reports.


Georgia High School Football Daily:Cartersville no.  2 in AAA ratings, Calhoun no. 5 in AA and Cedartown seventh in AAAA.

John McClellan's  high school picks
- New picks due Tuesday.

-Berry plays at Hendrix Saturday.
-Shorter on the road to Florida Institute of Technology.
-Norman's No-Nos: Your next round of guaranteed college football losers is due Friday.
Your  Ware Mechanical forecast: 

-Monday: Mostly sunny, high of 79, low of 55.

-Tuesday: Sunny, high of 80, low of 50; 30% rain chance overnight.

-Wednesday: 40% to 60% rain chance, high of 75, low of 55.

Hometown Headlines Radio Edition

7-9 a.m. weekdays. Listen live online

-Please join our guests Monday including:

-Britt Madden Jr. on the Fifth Annual Northwest Georgia Career Expo on Nov. 14.

-Steve Miller, chairman of the Floyd County Board of Elections and Registrars on the 2013 vote.

-Pastor Douglas Crumbly, Journey Church, on the Zombie-Thon run on Oct. 26.


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